overcoming digital eye strain

Today, digital devices are considered a necessity, not an indulgence. No longer confined to the office, we use our digital devices to take ‘selfies’, access recipes, get directions, check the weather, shop online, monitor our health, and stay connected with our social networks. Children are required to have digital devices for schooling. This can all add up to one thing – digital eye strain.

Our visual environment has evolved rapidly in the past decade. In 2014, Australians spent an average of 10 hours and 24 minutes on devices every day^. Collectively, we looked at our smartphones more than 440 million times a day, and 75% of us regularly engaged in multi-tasking across multiple screens and devices^. Few aspects of modern life remain untouched by ‘the digital revolution’, and no age group is unaffected.

2 in 3 adults experience digital eye strain

Approximately 65% of digital users experience physical discomfort as a result of spending two or more hours in front of a digital screen^. So, chances are it could be affecting you, your family or your friends. Some of the symptoms of digital eye strain include:

How can I protect my eyes?

New, innovative lens technology means you can protect your eyes from digital eye strain symptoms whether you wear prescription eyewear or not. Make sure you also check out our tips for reducing the strain, which you can implement immediately.

Assessing your digital vision needs is part of the 360˚ comprehensive eye consultation our optometrists offer. This is a natural extension of their commitment to helping you enjoy a lifetime of healthy sight and comfortable vision. Ask our optometrists about new digital eyewear to relax and protect your eyes from digital devices.

Find your nearest optometrist now


^Ernst & Young (2016). Digital Australia. Sydney, NSW. ^Deloitte (2015). Mobile Consumer Survey – The Australian Cut. Sydney, NSW. ^Eyes Overexposed: The Digital Device Dilemma, 2016 Digital Eye Strain Report, The Vision Council, US


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